
Thoughts of Nutcrackers Dance in My Head

Do y'all ever have weird thoughts that you say out loud and then people look at you and make you wish you'd never voiced that thought? Let me give you an example. Now I'm just assuming that MOST of us grew up thinking that Toy Story was being acted out in bedrooms and playrooms all… Continue reading Thoughts of Nutcrackers Dance in My Head


Live to write. Write to live.

I started writing a blog for a few reasons. 1) I love to type. 2) I love words. 3) I love telling stories. I love reading and writing in general. I think I was the only person in my 7th grade English class who loved diagramming sentences. I remember the excitement I felt walking into… Continue reading Live to write. Write to live.


A little normalcy in this weirdly abnormal world.

I can hear the music in my head just looking at the picture up top.  Dunh-DUUUUN-dun-dunnnnnnn ... dun-DUUUUUN-dun-dunnnn.  Happy sigh. One of the many things I love about Harley is how much he loves Gone with the Wind.  He passed that on to Bam-bam and we love throwing around lines from the movie.  Having a… Continue reading A little normalcy in this weirdly abnormal world.


Ride in Peace

Last weekend when Harley and I went out for a ride, we were hoping to see some of our riding friends we haven't seen since last fall.  As you all know, winter seemed to last forever and it was followed by a cold and wet spring, so we haven't ridden much since last fall and were… Continue reading Ride in Peace

Sunday Funday Rides

Sunday Funday Rides – Vol. 1

Green. Blue. Gold.  Those are the summer colors of Kansas.  Green trees ... rolling hills ..... farmland.  Until I rode through the landscape on a motorcycle I never realized how many colors of green there were here.  If you were to draw a picture of what we ride through you would need every green crayon from… Continue reading Sunday Funday Rides – Vol. 1